Strategic Directions and Goals

The LRT strategy is the 2023-2027 strategy for the Public Institution Lithuanian National Radio and Television, and serves as the main document that outlines the strategic development directions of LRT for 2023-2027. The LRT strategy is a strategic document for LRT’s programs and LRT’s website.


1. Get to know and reach out to various groups in society

Strategic goals:

  • Create attractive and high-quality content for everyone, focusing on children and youth
  • Reflect all regions of Lithuania on LRT’s channels
  • Maintain existing audiences, get to know and engage with the audiences which we have reached less so far

2. Create quality content in line with the mission

Strategic goals:

  • Maintain and increase the reliability, impartiality, promptness, diversity and depth of information
  • Help the LRT audience gain new knowledge and improve
  • Create meaningful leisure content

3. Reach the audience in ways convenient for them

Strategic goals:

  • Turn into the main platform of the LRT group
  • Introduce the audiences to LRT’s content on the digital platforms they use
  • Strive to maximise user experiences in LRT group’s channels

4. Create an efficient, innovative organisation that quickly adapts to changes

Strategic goals:

  • Foster a value-based internal culture that increases the creativity, collaboration, openness to change and engagement of LRT’s employees
  • Continue digital transformation, increase technological and infrastructure innovation
  • Implement sustainability principles in LRT’s activities
2023-2027 strategy